100 day money back guarantee

Seeing results from our products is a process and we will never promise you that you will see results overnight, because that is simply not accurate. Some people see results in 2 weeks, for other, it might take 2 months+, but we are confident you will see improvements in your skin if you use the products correctly for a least 90 days.

In the rare event that you don't see any results, here are the steps to follow to validate and claim your money back for the products you purchased.

Step 1: Always take a before picture before you start using the products so that you can have something to compare your progress to.

Make sure you email your before picture to support@shealuxeessentials.com within 3 days of receiving your products - without this, your money back claim will be invalid as we want to avoid a small number of people scamming the system by taking pictures a few days apart. 

Step 2: Follow our step by step guide on how to use the products by 
Follow the "how to use" process for a minimum of 90 days.
Remember it's not necessarily a fast results process for everyone. We use only natural ingredients so you have to be patient to give the products time to work. 

Step 3: After 90 days of using our products, if you don't see any improvements in your skin then take another picture and email it to support@shealuxeessentials.com making sure the lighting is similar to your before picture. 
After that, fill our the form below to process your claim. 
1. Take before and after results and send it in
2.Use our products for about 90 days but claim it within 100 days.
3. Fill out the Form 
Claim the 100 day money back guarantee